mobile locksmith
26 Aug, 2022
When you need to count on an experienced professional in your time of need, find out how to choose the best mobile locksmith!
locksmith shop near me
15 Aug, 2022
When you need fast, reliable, and affordable service when you're locked out, explore how to choose the best locksmith shop near me.
business alarm systems
02 Aug, 2022
When you want to ensure that your business and property are secure around the clock, explore business alarm systems and security solutions.
29 Jul, 2022
Your car is under attack! More than 800,000 cars were stolen in the United States in 2020. That's one car every 39 seconds. You must take steps right now to prevent your car from being stolen. Unfortunately, you need to do a lot more than lock your doors and turn off your lights. You need to think like a thief and get help from an auto locksmith. When should you drive and how should you park your car? How can you modify your car to make it less likely to be stolen? What tools can help you recover your car and deter thieves? Answer these questions and you can keep your car safe for years to come. Here is your quick guide. Be Smart When You Drive The more times you take your car out on the road, the more opportunities there are for your car to be stolen. If you can get a ride from someone else, you should get a ride. If you must drive, plan out your route to get to your destination. Avoid areas where car break-ins are common and find a safe place to park. Never leave your car unattended while it is running. It is easy for someone to jump into the driver's seat and drive away. If you need to get out of your car temporarily, park it in front of a building where others can watch your car. Park Your Car in a Safe Location An enclosed garage tends to be the safest location for a car. You can also park in a parking garage with valets or attendants who can keep an eye out for thieves. Move your car as far away from the street as possible. This makes it harder for a thief to case the scene and determine if your car is valuable. It is okay to park your car on a roadside, but you should try to find a well-lit location. Park your car underneath a streetlight or near a business with its lights on. Do not park your car near a residence or a location where people are loitering. Someone may see your car and try to steal it based on an impulse. Never park your car on the roadside at night. Many thieves use darkness to conceal themselves and strike when you are not noticing. Avoid driving at night if you can. Make Your Car Seem Unappealing Full-size vehicles were the most commonly stolen vehicles in 2020. If you have a full-size car, you should take steps to make your car smaller. You can remove the front bumper or park your car on a hill, which will make it seem smaller to someone standing on the sidewalk. You can also chip the paint on your car or scratch the handles a little. Do not put any expensive equipment on the exterior of your car, such as custom plates or wheel caps. You may want to avoid installing equipment inside your car as well, as a thief may try to steal your stereo. Conceal Your Belongings Never leave expensive items like smartphones in your car. Put them in your front pocket or in your personal bag. If you must leave something in your car, you should put it in the glove compartment. You can also place it underneath a seat or in your trunk. A thief may figure that an expensive car has expensive belongings in it. If you have an expensive car, you should keep it out of sight entirely. Someone may break in to steal inexpensive belongings like toiletries. It's often a good idea to keep nothing in your car besides emergency supplies, which you can keep in a locked container in your trunk. You can install tints over your windows, but keep in mind that each state has its own regulations for tinting. Select a mild tint so you avoid breaking the law while keeping thieves from looking inside. Get Special Supplies You can get anti-theft devices on your vehicle. Talk to auto locksmiths about installing a steering wheel lock inside your car. This makes it impossible for a thief to drive your car away, even if they turn your engine on. Consult with a mobile auto locksmith about keys and key fobs . If someone steals your keys, get a replacement right away and try to change your lock so a thief cannot use a stolen key for your car. You can research "auto locksmith near me" to find one in your area. You can also install a glass breakage detector. If a thief shatters a window, the detector activates an alarm that can attract other people's attention. A blinking light can trick thieves into thinking your car has a security device. You can place a red or blue light over the driver's side seat. Turn your light off while you are driving so others don't mistake your car for a police vehicle. You can use a GPS device to recover your vehicle after it gets stolen. Connect the device to your phone so you track your car as it moves. Find the Best Auto Locksmith Your car can be stolen at any time. Take your car on as few trips as possible, and avoid parking your car near a major road. Bring your car into a garage where others cannot see it. Take all of your valuables from your car, and place your other belongings in your trunk or beneath your seats. Use tools like glass breakage detectors, blinking lights, and GPS devices to deter thieves from breaking in. Hire an auto locksmith to make improvements to your vehicle. AAA-1 Lock and Key serves the Nampa area. Contact us today.
house lockout
13 Jul, 2022
AAA Lock And Key Services: How To Prevent a House Lockout Studies show that 70% of people have left a property without remembering whether or not they locked the doors. Not only can this be dangerous and lead to potential break -ins, but it may result in people getting locked out of their homes without a key. House lockouts can be frustrating and time-consuming and it has happened to nearly everyone. By learning how to prevent a house lockout, you can start taking preventative measures to protect yourself. Do you need help learning more about preventing a house lockout? Keep reading this article to learn more about AAA lock and key services' expert tips for preventing house lockets. Find a Safe Space for a Spare Key One of the easiest ways that you can prevent a house lockout is by finding a spot for a spare key. This can be a bit risky, especially if you hide your spare key somewhere that is easy to access, as it can potentially allow others to gain access to your home. However, you can find safe and secure places for a spare key. For example, you can hide a key lock box somewhere on your property with a key inside. Unlike most hide-a-key solutions, they require a passcode to get inside the lockbox. You can also keep a spare key for your house in the car! Having your house key and your car keys separated will ensure that you are never locked out of either of these! If you keep a key in your car, make sure it is well-hidden so an intruder or criminal cannot find it. Give a Neighbor a Spare Key If you don't like the idea of hiding your spare keys, you can also give a spare key to one of your trusted neighbors or a family member that lives nearby. This way, you will never have to leave your keys unattended and you will always have someone close to you that can help you if you get locked out. This can also be beneficial if you are away from home and need to let someone into your home. Giving someone a spare key will allow them to check on your house or help you with anything else while you are away. Establish Good Habits Next, you can establish good habits that will keep you from forgetting your keys, even if you are forgetful! One of the easiest things you can do is to only ever lock your door from the outside. If you have a door kn ob with a lock that twists from the inside, it may seem easier to twist the lock on your way out before you shut the door. However, locking our door from the outside will ensure that you always have your keys on you before you leave. You should also make it a habit to check for your keys before you leave. It only takes a few weeks of a conscious effort to form a habit, which will prevent you from ever getting locked out again. Maintain Your Locks It is also essential that you maintain your locks . Even if you have your keys, there is a chance that a malfunctioning lock will keep you from getting into your home. Because of this, you must replace your malfunctioning locks and take good care of your locks. For example, you can add lock lube to your internal locking mechanism to make sure all the pieces work together smoothly. You may also need to pay for a lock repair from a professional locksmith . Leave an Upstairs Window Unlocked If you are someone that is very forgetful and regularly locks yourself out of your home, you may want to leave one of your upstairs windows unlocked. This way, you will always have access to your home in the event of a lockout. However, this tip should only be used for multi-story homes. Otherwise, this would make it too easy for burglars to get inside your home. Utilize Smart Locks One way to ensure that you never forget your keys is to switch your locks to a smart lock. Rather than using a key, these locks work with a keypad combination. You can simply set a code and use it to get into your home. While smart locks provide many benefits, there is also a chance that your smart lock can malfunction. If it uses a battery, you must make sure you keep the batteries charged. Otherwise, you will not be able to get into your home. Often, these smart locks have a light that blinks when the battery is running low, so you shouldn't be caught off guard. Hire an AAA House Lockout Service If you forget any of these tips and lock yourself out of your home, you can hire an AAA house lockout service to help. These residential locksmith services can come to your home immediately to help you get back inside. Having a reliable locksmith is a great backup plan that will give you peace of mind. Plus, residential locksmiths can provide many other services! This includes rekeying, installing new locks, repairing locks, and duplicating your existing keys. Need Help With a House Lockout? AAA Lock and Key Can Help Getting locked out of your house is something that can completely ruin your plans. By following each of these preventative measures, you can keep your home safe while you protect yourself from a home lockout! If you need help getting into your home after a lockout, AAA Lock and Key can help! We offer mobile locksmith services for auto, residential, and commercial property and can help you get back into your home.  Contact us today to get immediate assistance or to request an estimate for our lockout services.
05 Jul, 2022
AAA Boise Lock and Key: Things You Should Know Before Buying A Safe Over 2 million domestic burglaries take place every year in the United States. You do not have to lose your valuables when a burglar enters your home. When you have valu ables in your possession, you should have a safe place for them. You have worked hard to save up money and then buy these precious things. Your item could be a pistol, a string of pearls, or a family heirloom. Whatever your precious items may be, you need to protect them. A quality safe will do the job if you find the right one. But how do you know which safe to pick? Which will protect your items from thieves and fire? And how big of a safe do you get? A place like AAA Boise will have a variety of safes so you can pick the one that works best for you. Keep reading to learn about the qualities of different safes so you know what you need. Safe Rating The rating of the safe depends on the valuables in the safe. Safe companies make different qualities of safes. The better the quality, the more expensive the safe. When buying a safe , pick a safe that is rated for the value of the safe's contents. Your insurance company can help you with this as well. They generally have limitations on what they will cover based on the type of safe you've chosen. There's a big difference between a safe for a pistol and a safe for valuable family jewels. Here is a basic content value guide for which safe to get based on what you're putting in the safe. B-Rated Safe: for valuables of $5,000 or less B/C Rated Safe: for valuables of $10,000 or less U.L. RSC: for valuables up to $15,000 or less C Rated Safe: for valuables up to $30,000 U.L. TL-15: for valuables up to $200,000 or less U.L. TL-30: for valuables up to $375,000 or less U.L. TL-30X6: for valuables of $500,000 to $1,000,000 U.L. TRTL-30X6: for valuables of $1,000,000 or less Have your valuables appraised so you know what they're worth. Then pick the most affordable safe that will protect your valuables. Safe Size Most customers have one complaint after they buy their safe. They did not buy a big enough safe. If you're contemplating between two different safes, pick the bigger safe. If you pick a safe that just fits the valuables you have, then you will eventually need a bigger safe for more of your valuables. Give yourself some margin. Gun Safe Quality When you're looking for a gun safe, consider the thickness of the metal, the overall construction, and the type of locking mechanism. Then look at the fire rating for the safe. Past gun cabinets were decorative pieces made of wood and glass. They would showcase weapons like pieces of art. Today's gun cases need safes that protect the item in the safe as well as the individuals outside the safe. Gun safes do keep gun owners and their home occupants safe . Do not give in to the temptation to buy a cheap, thin metal cabinet. Look for a gun cabinet made of a minimum of 12-gauge steel and preferably a 7 to 10-gauge steel. You also want a safe with a 1/4" or more solid plate steel or similar composite equivalent in the door. Hidden Safe or Wall Safe If you have small items to store, a hidden safe or wall safe is an ideal choice. Wall safes sit concealed in the wall, covered by a piece of art or something like that. But these safes are more susceptible to burglar and fire damage. Wall safes consist of thin gauge metal typically. Do not use them to store a large amount of jewelry, gold, o r cash. Would-be thieves do not have to crack a wall safe. They just need to get the safe out of the wall. A determined burglar only saw the safe out of the wall and took it with them. Fire Ratings Make fire ratings one of your top considerations when you look for a safe. When purchasing a gun safe, purchase a safe with a minimum of a 1-hour fire rating. If your safe has less than an hour fire rating, it will not protect the materials in the safe adequately. The fire rating especially matters if you have ammunition in your safe. When fire hits ammunition, the ammunition will explode and cause an even bigger problem. Buy the safe with the longest fire rating you can afford. Burglar Resistant Safes Fire-resistant safes are not necessarily burglar resistant. A fireproof safe will resist heat and smoke, and sometimes even water, over a given period. Thus they adequately protect paper documents from damage. Fireproof safes consist of thin metal, though. Thus, while fire cannot penetrate the metal, a cheap saw can. Your fire-resistant safe may protect your materials from fire, but it will not protect them from a burglar. If you want to protect your valuables from a thief, then you need a beefier safe. Look for burglar fire safes, referred to as BF-rated safes. This especially matters when the contents of your safe are worth more than $10,000. Safe designers engineer BF safes to protect your valuables from thieves and fire. They will have thicker walls and more complicated locks. A simple fire-resistant safe can open if a thief drops it hard enough on the floor. Check Out AAA Boise You deserve a secure place for your valuables. You scrimped, saved, and worked hard to buy these items. Or perhaps you have valuable family heirlooms that do not have an adequate price tag attached to them. In any case, you need to use a safe that will protect your valuables from both thieves and fire. The right safe can do this.  Do you need a quality safe? If so, check out AAA Boise. Our vast inventory will have something that works for you and your valuables. Contact us today and let us help you.
29 Jun, 2022
Did you know as many as 4,000,000,000 people lock themselves out of their cars each year according to AAA ? If this has been you, or if you've needed locksmith services for any other reason, you know what a lifesaver they can be. But have you seen everything a locksmith offers? From automated smart-home technology to commercial and residential video camera security, read on to see how a locksmith might be of service to you. Locksmith Services You Didn’t Know About If you've ever wondered to yourself "what services do locksmiths offer," there may be quite a few that surprise you. Today's locksmiths are trained not only in the traditional techniques of the past but also in current technology to help keep you and your family safe in the present. Below are five services you may not have known a locksmith offers. 1. Automated Smart-Home Technology According to a recent study, 69% of homes in the United States have one or more SmartHome devices. If you are interested in automating your home in this way, locksmiths can help you install and program these devices. Devices for Doors, Thermostats, and More One such device is smart locks that do not require keys to allow you entry to your home or building. These devices offer additional security options as they can be set up to allow you to use a keypad or voice control to unlock doors and garages. These devices also give you the ability to adjust your thermostat up or down, even from another location. Some apps can be set up to deliver temperature alerts for temperature-sensitive areas, such as a wine cellar or storage room. Devices Apps Smart home devices typically have phone apps that allow you to have more control of your home or business environment. You can set what time you would like your lights to turn on and off each day. You can also turn on and off your lights while you vacation for security purposes. Smart home devices can be installed to allow you to lock doors remotely if you realize you have left one unlocked. Or, you can unlock a door when away from home to let in a friend or family member. There are also devices that will notify you if you have left your garage door open and give you the ability to close the garage door remotely. Devices to Keep You Safe Smart home devices can be purchased that include cameras . These aid in security by allowing you to monitor the activity of those you love who may need extra care such as children, grandparents, and disabled family members. These security-enriched smart home devices are automated and can be set up to notify you when an alarm is armed by caregivers, groundskeepers, or family members. You can also set it up to make you aware when someone enters your driveway or any other area of your property (pool area, back patio, deck, etc.). These automatic controls allow you to take control of your home or business in order to save money. They give you the ability to keep your energy bills as low as possible while also keeping your property secure. 2. Commercial Door Access Control Access control systems are more important now than ever due to the COVID pandemic and the shift to having fewer people in the office on a daily basis. These systems allow you to control, limit and monitor who has access to your business. Door Access Systems One type of access control system uses key fobs or key cards to allow users entry to buildings or doors within your facility. Those with access to each area simply hold their key fob or key card up to an installed access control reader to gain entry. The access control reader connects wirelessly to each fob or card to verify the credential for that user. Another option is to have a keypad installed so that users can simply enter a pin number to access a building or area. Having keypad access means your employees do not need to remember to carry a fob or card with them at all times. A locksmith can easily set up any of these options for you, depending on the size and needs of your business. Mobile Access Systems There are also mobile control access systems available that allow users to use an app to unlock doors from their phones. These mobile systems can be set up so that phones, tablets, and even smartwatches can be used as access credentials. Since most of us carry our phones with us everywhere we go, a mobile access system makes a lot of sense today. It also removes the need to give your users a physical key fob or key card they will need to remember in order to access their authorized areas and that they may not remember to return to you when your business relationship comes to a close. In the past, these mobile access systems would have required you to set up and maintain a server on the premises in order to grant and deny authorizations for who could access your property. You can now create and store your data in the cloud. Thanks to this technology, cloud-based access systems are much more affordable for businesses of all sizes. They are also more user-friendly and easier to maintain. Intercom and Video Intercom Systems There are many reasons you will feel might choose to have your locksmith install a video intercom system at your home or business. A few of the most typical reasons might be: Checking when packages arrive Looking to see if family members arrived home safe and on time Surveillance around your home or business Having an intercom system at your commercial property is also the easiest way for visitors to check-in at your building's front door or gate. You can view who is approaching and then verify their identity through an intercom. Some systems can even be set up to allow you to then give access to the visitor via a mobile app on your phone. 3. Safe Services You might be surprised to learn there are several locksmith safe services available to you through your local locksmith. Whether you have lost the combination, need your safe moved, or just need some maintenance for your safe, your locksmith can be of service. Lost Safe Combinations None of us like to admit it, but we put things in a safe for safekeeping and then somehow manage to lose track of the combination. When this happens, you can call a locksmith to help you gain access to your precious items. If you have a safe with a digital lock, a locksmith may be able to create an emergency/override key. If it is a combination to a safe that has been misplaced or forgotten, a locksmith can often figure out the combination for you, with no damage to the safe. If they are unable to determine the combination, there are a couple of options then available to get into the safe. The first is to cut into the safe, which gives easy access to the safe but makes the safe no longer usable. It is much safer to allow a locksmith to cut into your safe than to attempt to do so yourself as they will help you gain entry without compromising your valuables within the safe. The other option is to drill a small hole, use a scope, look inside the safe, and find a way to open the lock. When this second method is used, the safe can be repaired and used again. If your safe has a dial lock, a locksmith can then change the combination for you to one of your choosing. It is often more cost-effective to call a locksmith for help opening your safe than to replace the safe itself. Repair and Service If you inherited a safe or have simply had your safe for a long period of time, it may be time to consider having it serviced. A locksmith can look it over and repair or service any items that may need adjusted or replaced, such as: Hinges - When the hinges get worn down or squeaky they may need to be adjusted or replacement may be necessary. Door - If the door on your safe doesn't open properly or is rubbing, it is time to have it serviced. Handle - Check the handle on your safe to see if it is secured tightly. If it seems loose or worse, broken, a locksmith can service or replace it. Locks - The most important piece in your safe needs to be serviced regularly. Whether you have a combination lock safe or an electronic safe, is it important to keep it maintained. If the lock on your safe is not functioning properly it does not necessarily mean you must discard the safe. It may be less costly to repair. Moving Safes Many hardware stores, as well as other retailers where safes can be purchased, do not deliver safes because of their weight. Thankfully, you can count on your local locksmith for the loading and delivery of these large items. If you would like, your locksmith can also help with bolting your safe to the floor in your home or business. 4. Video Surveillance Another service provided by locksmiths is surveillance camera installation. Video surveillance is available for both residential and commercial customers. Residential Video Cameras Having cameras around your home for security is more common now than ever. They can be used to check on package deliveries, especially as package theft can be problematic in many areas. Cameras can also be helpful to check in on children or other family members to make sure they get home safely or even just to communicate with them when they are outside. A built-in microphone and speaker are often built into the surveillance cameras for communication purposes. Homeowners can simply download an app to connect to their camera. This allows the user to hear what's going on outside as well as respond. Surveillance cameras are wireless so no unsightly wires are dangling down your siding or around your home. They also use infrared LEDs to light up quickly and brightly so you can easily see what going on outside your home any time, night or day. If you want a high-end, high-tech surveillance system for your home, you can purchase an HD 4K 12 Megapixel camera equipped with facial recognition. This helps eliminate false alarms as you can program in the faces of your friends and family members. You can also set up alerts with these cameras to notify you any time an unfamiliar face gets within a certain distance of your home. Depending on the high-tech camera that you purchase, some even offer vehicle recognition and this technology continues to improve and be updated continually. If you have an alarm and it is set off, your cameras will then automatically begin recording. You will receive notifications on the phone app immediately and be able to respond to any intruders or threats. Commercial Video Security There are multiple types of commercial video security systems available from your locksmith, from HD security cameras to CCTV to TVI or SDI cameras. As with residential systems, these video systems offer live video feed and instant text alerts. Having a video security system for your business means that you can tabs on when packages arrive and who signs for them. It also allows you to keep your employees safe as the premises are monitored and crime is deterred due to video security being in place. Should there be a break-in or theft on your business property, having a commercial video system will allow you to provide footage to the authorities. This may also help in the recovery of any stolen items. A locksmith can help you choose the commercial video security system that is right for your business and budget. They can install your chosen system and help maintain it, as well as help you add to your security when your business needs grow. 5. Alarm Systems If another question you've asked yourself is what can a locksmith do with alarm systems ... that doesn't seem like a locksmith job? However, it does fall under a locksmith's job description. Here are a few types of locksmith alarms and services offered: Business Alarm Systems If your business is ready for added security, but not quite ready for a full camera surveillance system, a business alarm system may be the answer. It might be that a motion detection system is the best fit for your business. Some businesses may also need the option of panic buttons, especially those in the healthcare or mental health field, or the financial industry. Panic buttons are usually hidden buttons that can be pressed to call law enforcement A locksmith is trained in the installation of these business alarm systems and can help you think through which will be the right level of security. Residential Burglar Alarms Whether you are at home or away, what is most important is peace of mind, knowing your home is protected. Research by The National Council for Home Safety and Security shows that homes with no alarm system are three times more likely to be broken into. Having a home security system installed means that if someone attempts to enter your home, your locksmith professional will be alerted and can notify authorities, at any time of day or night. There are many other benefits of home security systems as well. They allow you to protect your valuables, meaning both family members and material goods. Having a safe can certainly protect some goods from theft, but not all high-value items will fit in the small space of a safe. An alarm will also make an immense amount of noise that may scare the perpetrator away before they even attempt the burglary. Home security systems have also been shown to deter crime. A Rutgers study showed that neighborhoods with an increased number of homes with alarm systems showed fewer burglaries than other neighborhoods with a lower number of home security systems. Having a burglar alarm installed can also lower your homeowner's insurance premiums. Many insurance companies offer a discount to insured members as these systems prevent property loss and save money in the long run. Fire Alarm Systems Another service your locksmith offers is the installation of fire alarm systems. One benefit of having a monitored fire alarm for your business is that the fire department can be notified immediately when smoke or carbon monoxide is detected. Another advantage of a monitored fire alarm is that it can reduce false alarms. False alarms are frustrating and waste not only your time but the time of our emergency responders. By having a monitored alarm, you can be sure that notifications will be made only of confirmed alarms. With a monitored fire alarm system, you can also keep yourself and your employees out of harm's way. If there is smoke or a fire, you can exit the building immediately, with no one needing to worry about pulling or activating an alarm which could risk life or injury. There is also the peace of mind that comes with knowing your business and property are being monitored all day, every day. You can rest easy and travel easily knowing your fire alarm system is being monitored and your business will be protected. Smoke Detectors A locksmith can also install smoke detectors in your residence or commercial building. If you have purchased an older home or building that does not have smoke detectors or carbon monoxide detectors installed, your local locksmith can be of service in this area. Smoke detectors are important as you want an immediate alarm to activate if there is smoke for any reason so you can determine your course of action. Carbon monoxide is less recognized as the true threat that it poses. Carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms can mimic flu-like symptoms and include fatigue, nausea, dizziness, and/or a headache. Severe carbon monoxide poisoning can lead to death. Besides the enormous benefit of preventing illness, installing carbon monoxide detectors has other advantages. They can actually help in the detection of malfunctions or gas leaks within home or commercial HVAC systems. It might be that your gas furnace or water heater isn't functioning properly. A carbon monoxide detector would be your first line of defense. These systems can also be connected with SmartHome technology to notify you by app about potential dangers. Are You Ready To Reap the Benefits of What Your Locksmith Can Do For You? You no longer have to wonder, "What other services does a locksmith offer?" Now you know who to call for help with your home safe should you lose the combination or need it serviced. AAA 1 Lock & Key has been servicing customers in the Treasure Valley for over 30 years! As a family owned business, we are proud members of the Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA) and maintain a reputation for our great customer service and willingness to help.  You can protect your family, home, and property through the systems and services we provide. If you're ready to get started with any of these locksmith services today, contact us to request an estimate.
car keys
15 Jun, 2022
There's little more frustrating in life than when you lock your keys in your house or car. You're helpless, and you have just two options. You can break the door or window to access the keys. But this will cost you money, and you'll end up with a damaged door. Or you can call an auto locksmith. A good auto locksmith does more than just unlock your car. They'll offer a variety of lock and key services. Before you begin the basic search for an "auto locksmith near me," read this article. After you've finished this piece, you'll understand the basic services that a local auto locksmith has and how you can find great auto locksmiths near me. Automobile Service A quality auto locksmith works on cars, trucks, RVs, and just about anything on wheels. They also understand that they're going to need more than just a slim jim or coat hanger to open a locked vehicle door. The right local locksmith will use today's tools for today's sophisticated locks. They also can change the locks on your vehicle to fit different keys. This is an especially helpful skill if you suspect someone has stolen your keys. Here are a few basic services an auto locksmith will perform: Replace ignitions Program transponder keys Program remotes Troubleshoot lockouts Repair truck and door locks If you're hesitant about an auto-lock service not listed above, ask your local auto locksmith. They most likely have a way to solve your lock problems since locks and keys are their business. Residential Locks Locksmiths will do more than just fix your auto locks. They also can help you with residential locks. For example, a good locksmith can install a deadbolt on your weak door if you need extra security. The long screw will attach the strike plate to the doorjamb. The screw makes the door difficult to break down. Locksmiths will carry a variety of styles and types of deadbolts to create the most secure door for you. They will also rekey your locks if you believe someone has stolen your keys. Rekeying prevents the old key from fitting in the new lock. Commercial and Home Security Quality local locksmith services will provide commercial security as well. This includes lock maintenance, lock installation, electronic access point installation, and alarm and security equipment installation. Here are a few basic services they can provide. Video Surveillance Services Studies have shown that video surveillance systems deter crime. Along with other measures such as adequate lighting, a good visible video surveillance system keeps would-be criminals at bay. Surveillance systems can include video cameras at home or offices. A good locksmith will have a variety of options including cameras with built-in microphones and speakers. Some even connect to an app on your tablet or phone so you can respond from wherever you are. There are also video surveillance systems that turn on when your security alarm is set off. The cameras turn on and begin recording immediately. They also send notifications to your phone or tablet. You can also go with a wireless IP camera. These cameras have night vision, using infrared LEDs so you can see the things happening at any time on your property. Some cameras even come with facial recognition. Burglar Alarms Many locksmiths will also offer burglar alarms for home security. Some alarms will go off, and they will notify the proper authorities. For example, an alarm from AAA-1 Lock & Key will notify the authorities when the alarm goes off. So even when you're not home, your home is protected. Police will show up when a burglar attempts to enter your residence thanks to good locksmith service. Video Cameras Home video cameras allow you to see what's happening outside your door. You can see when your children come home or when a delivery man delivers a package. You can even catch porch pirates that are attempting to steal your packages. Smoke Detectors Good locksmith companies are full home security companies. They keep your family safe. Some will offer smoke and carbon monoxide detectors that not only send off a signal for the people in the house but also notify authorities of the emergency. Safe Services A local locksmith has all the tricks of the trade. This means they can effectively open a safe as well as your basic car or home door. They also often sell new and used safes and will know the best safe for the job you have. A good locksmith will be able to repair and service a safe, change the combination, find lost combinations, maintain electronic safes, move safes, and bolt safes to the floor. Keys and Key Fobs No one understands keys like locksmiths. So it only makes sense that they can create keys, replace keys, remove broken keys, and install master key systems. They also can work with key fobs. They can replace stolen and lost key remotes. They can even create new or spare remotes. Finding the Right Locksmith A good locksmith will be able to do all of these things. An excellent locksmith, however, is reliable and efficient. They're always ready to answer your call and help you out. When you lock your keys in your car, you need an auto locksmith that can come immediately. So how do you know if you have a good locksmith? Check reviews. Ask around your community. Good locksmiths will carry stellar reputations, and your friends, family members, and neighbors won't hesitate to tell you if a locksmith helped them or left them high and dry.  Choose an Auto Locksmith Near Me If you're searching for an "auto locksmith near me," look no further. AAA-1 Lock and Key has all of the above services. They are your one-stop-shop for all your security needs. We have experienced, professional locksmiths that are honest and reliable. So whether you locked your keys in your car or you need a security solution, we can help. Contact us today and let us help you with your auto lock and all of your security needs.
find a cheap locksmith near me
08 Jun, 2022
Locksmiths account for over 26,000 businesses in the United States. Every day, nearly 16,000 people in the country get locked out of their homes or cars. You might be se eking the services of a locksmith to set up alarm or surveillance systems to protect your home or valuable possessions. As a result, paying close attention while selecting a locksmith is necessary. Furthermore, you must have several reasons for hiring a locksmith. A competent and relatively cheap locksmith near me will help you out of any situation if you are locked out of your house or car. However, there are many unqualified locksmiths out there who frequently operate scams that make customers confused. Before selecting a locksmith, you should think about a few things that will help you make the best decision. So, how do you pick the right person for the job? Here are tips for hiring an affordable locksmith. Hire a Local Locksmith It would be more rewarding if you hired a local company for locksmith services. This way, you not only support a local business but also access quality assistance and reliable services. Dealing with a local locksmith allows you to have your needs quickly met. In case of an emergency, they will be fast to get to you. Experience Aim at working with a locksmith who has been in the industry for a long time. Experience is an indication that the expert has vast knowledge in the field. Technology in the locksmith industry keeps changing. Thus, if you hire an inexperienced expert, ther e' s a chance your problem will not be solved. Get Referrals Asking for referrals from your friends and relatives makes it easy for you to choose a cheap locksmith. Before you proceed to work with the recommended locksmith, first find out whether your relatives and friends would consider working with the same expert again. If they would, proceed and hire the locksmith since it means their expectations were met. Services Identify your needs first. Different locksmiths offer different services. Some specialize in providing lock repair, duplication, and replacement and others offer key making, ignition services, and automotive fob reprogramming. It ' s upon you to identify what you need, then hire a locksmith specific to your needs. It would be best to work with a locksmith offering a wide range of services. Check the Locksmith ' s Price Go to the internet and search all the local locksmiths. Most of them have the prices of their services listed on their websites. Go through your choices till you identify one that is affordable. When it comes to locksmith pricing, there are some aspects that you need to take into account. In most cases, standard locksmith services are less expensive than emergency services. Anytime a locksmith comes out during off-hours, holidays, and weekends, they are likely to be more expensive. Guarantee Locksmiths will help fix broken locks and also supply and maintain them. There ' s a need for a warranty with every new product in case something goes wrong. Working with a locksmith offering a warranty means they ' re confident with their locks and services. Customer Service If a locksmith picks up your calls fast and attends to all your queries to your satisfaction, it shows they have exceptional customer service. When you realize that the locksmith you ' re about to hire neither answers your calls nor calls back, they 're not the best option for you. Find a locksmith who not only makes you feel comfortable when working together but is also willing to give you information regarding how to take good care of your locks. Insurance and Certification In most cases, your business, homeowners, or automobile insurance might not cover the costs of installing or repairing locks. Working with a covered locksmith company will help you avoid unplanned expenses that may arise from damages as the experts handle their work. It would be best if you wer n' t working with an uncertified locksmith. Experts licensed by the Associated Locksmiths of America have extensive knowledge in locksmithing. With their certification, they have proven themselves to be trustworthy. Tools Locksmiths with outdated tools can ' t work on up-to-date doors. They might end up damaging your locks if you hire them. If they cause damage, you ' ll have to replace the locks, which will cost you more. Locksmiths with advanced tools are more efficient and faster. Hiring them will save your time and money. Reputation You should hire an auto locksmith near me that has a good reputation. Locksmiths with a bad reputation won ' t offer outstanding services. A poor reputation simply shows they did ' nt meet their previous clients expectations. Check the reviews on their websites and Better Business Bureau to have an idea about their reputation. Availability The locksmith of your choice should be providing their services around the clock. With this, you will know whom to call if you get locked outside your home or car in the middle of the night. You Now Know How to Choose a Cheap Locksmith Near Me When you ' re locked out of your house or car, a locksmith is one of the most critical persons to call. They are important in your car and house security since they install lock systems. So, you must find a trustworthy and cheap locksmith near me before hiring them to do the task. The above tips will undoubtedly assist you in choosing the best company. AAA key replacement provides emergency services 24/7 in Boise, Emmett, Nampa, Nampa, Caldwell, and the Treasure Valley of Idaho.  Contact us if yo u ' ve locked yourself out of your house or car and need help.
car keys
31 May, 2022
Does AAA make and replace keys? Discover everything you need to know about AAA key replacement and how to get your AAA keys replaced in case of loss.
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