How To Protect Your Car From Break-ins
Jul 29, 2022

Your car is under attack! More than 800,000 cars were stolen in the United States in 2020. That's one car every 39 seconds. 

You must take steps right now to prevent your car from being stolen. Unfortunately, you need to do a lot more than lock your doors and turn off your lights. You need to think like a thief and get help from an auto locksmith. 

When should you drive and how should you park your car? How can you modify your car to make it less likely to be stolen? What tools can help you recover your car and deter thieves? 

Answer these questions and you can keep your car safe for years to come. Here is your quick guide.

Be Smart When You Drive

The more times you take your car out on the road, the more opportunities there are for your car to be stolen. If you can get a ride from someone else, you should get a ride. 

If you must drive, plan out your route to get to your destination. Avoid areas where car break-ins are common and find a safe place to park. 

Never leave your car unattended while it is running. It is easy for someone to jump into the driver's seat and drive away. If you need to get out of your car temporarily, park it in front of a building where others can watch your car.

Park Your Car in a Safe Location

An enclosed garage tends to be the safest location for a car. You can also park in a parking garage with valets or attendants who can keep an eye out for thieves. 

Move your car as far away from the street as possible. This makes it harder for a thief to case the scene and determine if your car is valuable. 

It is okay to park your car on a roadside, but you should try to find a well-lit location. Park your car underneath a streetlight or near a business with its lights on. 

Do not park your car near a residence or a location where people are loitering. Someone may see your car and try to steal it based on an impulse. 

Never park your car on the roadside at night. Many thieves use darkness to conceal themselves and strike when you are not noticing. Avoid driving at night if you can.

Make Your Car Seem Unappealing

Full-size vehicles were the most commonly stolen vehicles in 2020. If you have a full-size car, you should take steps to make your car smaller. You can remove the front bumper or park your car on a hill, which will make it seem smaller to someone standing on the sidewalk. 

You can also chip the paint on your car or scratch the handles a little. Do not put any expensive equipment on the exterior of your car, such as custom plates or wheel caps. You may want to avoid installing equipment inside your car as well, as a thief may try to steal your stereo. 

Conceal Your Belongings

Never leave expensive items like smartphones in your car. Put them in your front pocket or in your personal bag. 

If you must leave something in your car, you should put it in the glove compartment. You can also place it underneath a seat or in your trunk. 

A thief may figure that an expensive car has expensive belongings in it. If you have an expensive car, you should keep it out of sight entirely. 

Someone may break in to steal inexpensive belongings like toiletries. It's often a good idea to keep nothing in your car besides emergency supplies, which you can keep in a locked container in your trunk.

You can install tints over your windows, but keep in mind that each state has its own regulations for tinting. Select a mild tint so you avoid breaking the law while keeping thieves from looking inside. 

Get Special Supplies

You can get anti-theft devices on your vehicle. Talk to auto locksmiths about installing a steering wheel lock inside your car. This makes it impossible for a thief to drive your car away, even if they turn your engine on. 

Consult with a mobile auto locksmith about keys and key fobs. If someone steals your keys, get a replacement right away and try to change your lock so a thief cannot use a stolen key for your car. You can research "auto locksmith near me" to find one in your area.

You can also install a glass breakage detector. If a thief shatters a window, the detector activates an alarm that can attract other people's attention. 

A blinking light can trick thieves into thinking your car has a security device. You can place a red or blue light over the driver's side seat. Turn your light off while you are driving so others don't mistake your car for a police vehicle. 

You can use a GPS device to recover your vehicle after it gets stolen. Connect the device to your phone so you track your car as it moves. 

Find the Best Auto Locksmith

Your car can be stolen at any time. Take your car on as few trips as possible, and avoid parking your car near a major road. Bring your car into a garage where others cannot see it. 

Take all of your valuables from your car, and place your other belongings in your trunk or beneath your seats. Use tools like glass breakage detectors, blinking lights, and GPS devices to deter thieves from breaking in. 

Hire an auto locksmith to make improvements to your vehicle. AAA-1 Lock and Key serves the Nampa area. Contact us today.

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