AAA Lock And Key Services: How To Prevent a House Lockout
Jul 13, 2022

AAA Lock And Key Services: How To Prevent a House Lockout

Studies show that 70% of people have left a property without remembering whether or not they locked the doors. Not only can this be dangerous and lead to potential break-ins, but it may result in people getting locked out of their homes without a key. 

House lockouts can be frustrating and time-consuming and it has happened to nearly everyone. By learning how to prevent a house lockout, you can start taking preventative measures to protect yourself. 

Do you need help learning more about preventing a house lockout? Keep reading this article to learn more about AAA lock and key services' expert tips for preventing house lockets. 

Find a Safe Space for a Spare Key

One of the easiest ways that you can prevent a house lockout is by finding a spot for a spare key. This can be a bit risky, especially if you hide your spare key somewhere that is easy to access, as it can potentially allow others to gain access to your home. 

However, you can find safe and secure places for a spare key. For example, you can hide a key lock box somewhere on your property with a key inside. Unlike most hide-a-key solutions, they require a passcode to get inside the lockbox.

You can also keep a spare key for your house in the car! Having your house key and your car keys separated will ensure that you are never locked out of either of these! If you keep a key in your car, make sure it is well-hidden so an intruder or criminal cannot find it. 

Give a Neighbor a Spare Key

If you don't like the idea of hiding your spare keys, you can also give a spare key to one of your trusted neighbors or a family member that lives nearby. This way, you will never have to leave your keys unattended and you will always have someone close to you that can help you if you get locked out. 

This can also be beneficial if you are away from home and need to let someone into your home. Giving someone a spare key will allow them to check on your house or help you with anything else while you are away. 

Establish Good Habits

Next, you can establish good habits that will keep you from forgetting your keys, even if you are forgetful!

One of the easiest things you can do is to only ever lock your door from the outside. If you have a door knob with a lock that twists from the inside, it may seem easier to twist the lock on your way out before you shut the door. 

However, locking our door from the outside will ensure that you always have your keys on you before you leave. 

You should also make it a habit to check for your keys before you leave. It only takes a few weeks of a conscious effort to form a habit, which will prevent you from ever getting locked out again. 

Maintain Your Locks

It is also essential that you maintain your locks. Even if you have your keys, there is a chance that a malfunctioning lock will keep you from getting into your home. Because of this, you must replace your malfunctioning locks and take good care of your locks. 

For example, you can add lock lube to your internal locking mechanism to make sure all the pieces work together smoothly. 

You may also need to pay for a lock repair from a professional locksmith.


Leave an Upstairs Window Unlocked

If you are someone that is very forgetful and regularly locks yourself out of your home, you may want to leave one of your upstairs windows unlocked. This way, you will always have access to your home in the event of a lockout. 

However, this tip should only be used for multi-story homes. Otherwise, this would make it too easy for burglars to get inside your home. 

Utilize Smart Locks

One way to ensure that you never forget your keys is to switch your locks to a smart lock. Rather than using a key, these locks work with a keypad combination. You can simply set a code and use it to get into your home. 

While smart locks provide many benefits, there is also a chance that your smart lock can malfunction. If it uses a battery, you must make sure you keep the batteries charged. Otherwise, you will not be able to get into your home. 

Often, these smart locks have a light that blinks when the battery is running low, so you shouldn't be caught off guard. 

Hire an AAA House Lockout Service

If you forget any of these tips and lock yourself out of your home, you can hire an AAA house lockout service to help. These residential locksmith services can come to your home immediately to help you get back inside. 

Having a reliable locksmith is a great backup plan that will give you peace of mind. 

Plus, residential locksmiths can provide many other services! This includes rekeying, installing new locks, repairing locks, and duplicating your existing keys. 

Need Help With a House Lockout? AAA Lock and Key Can Help

Getting locked out of your house is something that can completely ruin your plans. By following each of these preventative measures, you can keep your home safe while you protect yourself from a home lockout!

If you need help getting into your home after a lockout, AAA Lock and Key can help! We offer mobile locksmith services for auto, residential, and commercial property and can help you get back into your home. 

Contact us today to get immediate assistance or to request an estimate for our lockout services. 

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